Course information
Course Summary:
The Developing Subject Leadership Skills course takes a blended online approach to generate a rapid growth of understanding about breadth and depth of leadership, combined with practical methods to develop, influence, monitor and evaluate the impact of the subject leader on teachers’ practice and pupils’ learning outcomes. The 12 week course is delivered in six 2-week blocks.
Each block is supported with an online tutorial session, exploring some of the theory that underpins the thinking in the block. Participants will be expected to complete a number of online activities during the block. Online activities include:
· Collaborative discussions with other participants to explore the reality of practice in their schools, and to share ideas
· Tutor discussions, providing an opportunity to ask questions, and for the course tutor to provide support and challenge
Across the duration of the course, participants will be exploring a significant piece of subject development work. Ideally this will be something that is ongoing, and which will allow participants to reflect on the effectiveness of their leadership, and to adjust and adapt their approach in light of their engagement. If necessary, participants can use the course to evaluate the effectiveness of the way that they led a previous improvement project.
Course objectives:
As a result of their participation on the course, Subject Leaders will:
Course outline:
Click here to download a more detailed course outline.
Course Dates:
Please register your interest using the form opposite, and I will get in touch with the next available course.
Course Cost:
£125 per first participant from a school
£100 per additional participant from the same school
Booking form
Thank you for booking onto the Developing Subject Leadership Skills course. I will be in touch very soon to confirm places and to arrange payment.
Kind regards,
Straightforward, powerful and sustainable improvement
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