Course Summary:
The Introduction to Senior Leadership Course takes a two-part approach to generate a rapid growth of understanding about breadth and depth of leadership at this level, combined with practical methods to develop, influence, monitor and evaluate the impact of the colleagues in a defined area of school improvement relevant to the participant.
The course is suitable for Middle Leaders aspiring to Senior Leadership, and those recently appointed to a Senior Leadership role*.
Course objectives:
As a result of their participation on the course, Leaders will:
Course outline:
Weeks 1-2
Introduction to the Four Threads materials, and the introduction of the principles of Professional Learning Conversations.
Weeks 3-4
Making use of the Leadership Thread, including planing Professional Learning Conversations, and exploring planning for change and evaluating outcomes.
Weeks 5-6
Making use of the Learning and Teaching Thread, including how to promote effective pedagogy in your subject.
Weeks 7-8
Making use of the Curriculum Thread, including promoting effective subject knowledge, skills and understanding and developing the distinct identity of your subject.
Weeks 9-10
Making use of the Success for All Thread, including ensuring that the needs of individual pupils are at the heart of practice.
Weeks 11-12
Self-evaluation and development planning, including reflections on your overall effectiveness as Senior Leader.
Course resources provided:
Straightforward, powerful and sustainable improvement
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